Church Parking
As we are located in the city, car parking spaces are limited. In addition to the available on-street parking we have made arrangements with the adjacent properties across the road to provide a number of off-street parking spaces – please see image below. The red squares indicate the on and off street locations where church members and visitors can park their vehicles.
Please be aware that our neighbors have been very gracious in allowing us to park our cars in these off-street places on Sabbath. We would request that members and guests park ONLY in the places as specifically outlined by the red squares if on-street parking is not available.
Please note the shaded red area is OFF LIMITS to our cars all day on Sabbath. The businesses that operate in our local area also operate on Saturday and the parking area marked by the red shaded square is strictly off-limits to our church members and guests. If cars are parked in this shaded red area at any time on Sabbath they are likely to be towed and can be recovered only at the OWNERS EXPENSE.
Please note there is also limited on-street parking available. Please read the signs for more information.